Monopoly 3D Unity Game Pack

This is the complete Monopoly 3D Unity Asset Pack, based on my Unity Course. It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in my: Monopoly 3D Unity Course

Unity Version: 2021.3.3f1

Excluding 19% tax


★ All Scripts based on the course concept included
★ Mouse Inputs
★ All 2D & 3D Grafics included
★ Demo here:
★ Fully Playable
★ 1 Menu and 1 Game Mode Scenes
★ Fully Customizable

NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You may need to add it manually in the Package Manager.


Live Preview

How to use the package

  1. Create a new Unity Project.
  2. Unpack the Zip File.
  3. Drag the package into the Unity asset folder and hit import package.
  4. Add all Scenes to the Build Settings.
  5. In Menu Manager Script add your own website Links.
  6. Same for all text in Menu Scene.
  7. In any Game Scene check the –GameManager– Settings and so on.
  8. Enjoy!

Encounter a bug? Let me know!

NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You may need to add it manually in the Package Manager.

Black Jack – Unity Game Pack

This is the complete Black Jack 2D Unity Asset Pack, based on my Unity Course. It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in my: Black Jack Unity Course

Unity Version: 2021.3.3f1

Excluding 19% tax


★ All Scripts based on the course concept included
★ Mouse Inputs
★ All 2D Grafics included

★ Fully Playable
★ 1 Menu and 1 Game Mode Scenes
★ Fully Customizable

NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You may need to add it manually in the Package Manager. Also uses the “Old Input System”.


Live Preview

How to use the package

  1. Create a new Unity Project.
  2. Unpack the Zip File.
  3. Drag the package into the Unity asset folder and hit import package.
  4. Add all Scenes to the Build Settings.
  5. In Menu Manager Script add your own website Link.
  6. Same for all text in Menu Scene
  7. In any Game Scene check the –Manager– Settings and so on.
  8. Enjoy!

Encounter a bug? Let me know!

NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You may need to add it manually in the Package Manager. Also uses the “Old Input System”.

Snake 3D Pack

This is the complete Snake 3D Unity Asset Pack, based on my Unity Course. It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in my: Snake 3D Course

Unity Version: 2021.3.3f1

Excluding 19% tax


★ All Scripts based on the course concept included
★ Keyboard and Gamepad Support
★ All 2D Grafics included
★ All 3D Models included
★ Fully Playable
★ 1 Menu and 2 Game Mode Scenes
★ Fully Customizable

NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You may need to add it manually in the Package Manager.


Live Preview

How to use the package

  1. Create a new Unity Project.
  2. Unpack the Zip File.
  3. Drag the package into the Unity asset folder and hit import package.
  4. Add all Scenes to the Build Settings.
  5. In Menu Manager Script add your own website Link.
  6. Same for all text in Menu Scene
  7. In any Game Scene check the –Manager– Settings and so on.
  8. Enjoy!

Encounter a bug? Let me know!

NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You may need to add it manually in the Package Manager.

Hangman Game Pack

This is the complete Connect 4 Game Pack based on my Unity Course. It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in my: Unity Course: Hangman

Unity Version: 2021.3.3f1

Excluding 19% tax


All Scripts based on the course concept included
★ Mouse input
★ All 2D Grafics included
★ Fully Playable
★ Save Function included
★ Main Menu Scene

NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You may need to add it manually in the Package Manager.


Check Live Preview Tab!

Live Preview

How to use the package

  1. Create a new Unity Project.
  2. Unpack the Zip File.
  3. drag the package into the Unity asset folder and hit import package.
  4. Add all Scenes to the Build Settings.
  5. In Menu Script add your own website Links.
  6. Same for all text in Menu Scene
  7. In any Game Scene check the settings and so on.

Encounter a bug? Let me know!

NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You may need to add it manually in the Package Manager.

Connect 4 Game Pack

This is the complete Connect 4 Game Pack based on my Unity Course. It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in my: Unity Course: Connect 4

Unity Version: 2021.2.7f1

Excluding 19% tax


All Scripts based on the course concept included
★ Mouse input
★ All 2D & 3D Grafics included
★ Fully Playable
★ Minimax Algorythm AI
★ Main Menu Scene

NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You may need to add it manually in the Package Manager.


Check Live Preview Tab!

Live Preview

How to use the package

  1. Create a new Unity Project.
  2. Unpack the Zip File.
  3. drag the package into the Unity asset folder and hit import package.
  4. Add all Scenes to the Build Settings.
  5. In Menu Script add your own website Links.
  6. Same for all text in Menu Scene
  7. In any Game Scene check the settings and so on.

Encounter a bug? Let me know!

NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You may need to add it manually in the Package Manager.

3D Memory Game Pack

3D Memory Unity Course

This is the complete 3D Memory 3D Pack based on my Unity Course: It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in my: Unity Memory 3D Course

Unity Version: 2020.3.0f1

Excluding 19% tax


All Scripts based on the course concept included
★ Mouse input
★ All 2D  Grafics included
★ Fully Playable
★ Particle Effects
★ Create 100s of Levels with your own Sprites

NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You may need to add it manually in the Package Manager.


Check The Live Preview, so you see what you get in the package.

3D Memory Unity Course

Live Preview

How to use the package

  1. Create a new Unity Project.
  2. Unpack the Zip File.
  3. drag the package into the Unity asset folder and hit import package.
  4. Add all Scenes (except the SampleScene) to the Build Settings.
  5. In Menu Script add your own website Link.
  6. Same for all text in Menu Scene
  7. In any Game Scene Check the Game Manager Object and change Sprites, settings and so on.

Encounter a bug? Let me know!

NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You may need to add it manually in the Package Manager.


Brick Breaker 3D Pack

This is the complete Brick Breaker 3D Pack based on my Unity Course: It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in my: Brick Breaker 3D Course

Unity Version: 2019.3.13f1

Excluding 19% tax


★ All Scripts based on the course concept included
★ Keyboard input
★ All 2D & 3D Grafics included
★ Fully Playable
★ Particle Effects
★ Trails On Balls
★ Create 100s of Levels by Scriptable Objects and Level Designer on your own


Live Preview

Tetris 3D Pack

This is the complete Tetris 3D Unity pack based on my Unity Course: It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in my: Tetris 3D Course

Unity Version: 2018.2.11f1

Excluding 19% tax


★ All Scripts based on the course concept included
★ Mouse / Camera Movement
★ All 2D Grafics Included
★ Fully Playable
★ 1 Menu and 1 Playmode Scene
★ Fully Customizable
★ Ghost Block Feature
★ Layerbased GamePlay only


Live Preview

Battleships 3D Pack

Battleships 3D OctoMan Unity Start Screen

This is the complete Battlesships 3D pack based on my Unity Course. It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in my: Battleships 3D Course

Unity Version: 2019.1.8f1

Excluding 19% tax


★ All Scripts based on the course concept included
★ Tile Image included
★ All 3D Models included as well
★ 2 Local Game Modes
★ Menu and 2 Playmode Scenes
★ Fully working AI to play against
★ Auto Placing Feature
★ Animated Water UV’s


Battleships 3D OctoMan Unity Start Screen Battleships 3D OctoMan Unity placingBattleships 3D OctoMan Unity Animated Rocket

Live Preview

Ludo 3D Pack

This is the complete Ludo 3D pack based on my Unity Course. It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in my: Ludo 3D Online Course

Unity Version: 2018.2.11f1

Excluding 19% tax


★ All Scripts based on the course concept included
★ Extra Rotation Script for start screen
★ All 3D Models included as well (Extra wooden Game Board)
★ Up to 4 Player setting
★ Start, Game, Extra 2 Player and Game Over Scene



Live Preview

Galaga 3D Pack

This is the complete Galaga 3D pack based on my Unity Course. It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in my Online Course.

Unity Version: 2018.2.11f1

Excluding 19% tax


★ All Scripts based on the course concept included
★ All 3D Models included as well
★ Quadratic Bezier Curves
★ Start, Game and Game Over Scene


Live Preview

Pacman Pack

This is the complete Pacman pack based on my Unity Course. It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in the course.

Unity 5.6+

Excluding 19% tax


★ All Scripts based on the origial concept included
★ All 3D Models included as well
★ Touch / Mouse and Keyboard input implemented


Live Preview

Course Preview – Showcase the Package content as well.