This is the complete Nonogram / Picross / Griddler Unity Asset Pack, based on my Unity Course. It includes all Scripts and Assets created and used in my: Nonograms Unity Course
Unity Version: 2022.3.5f1
★ All Scripts based on the course concept included
★ Mouse Inputs
★ All 2D Grafics included
★ Demo here:
★ Fully Playable
★ 1 Menu , 1 Game Level Scene,1 Level Creator Scene
★ around 10 Levels included
★ Fully Customizable
★ Commented Code
★ Just add Sounds, new Levels with the Level Creator
NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You need to add it manually in the Package Manager.

Create Puzzles
Create Puzzles easy:
open level generator scene
select gridmanager object
set rows and columns size

press start
create the design you like
input a name

hit save – the new level will be saved in Assets/Levels (right click / refresh (CTRL+R) in project window)
stop game after save or create the next
Create new Level Object and give it a name like L 2

Drag your new level into LevelToLoad Name and Size will fill in automatically

finally add it to the difficulty you like

Create new difficulties the same way, and add levels to them. Don’t forget to add the difficulties in LoadLevel Scene -> LevelLoader

Live Preview
Playable Demo here:
How to use the package
- Create a new Unity Project.
- Unpack the Zip File.
- Drag the package into the Unity asset folder and hit import package.
- Add all Scenes ,but NOT Level Generator, to the Build Settings.
- In Menu Manager Script add your own website Link.
- Same for all text in Menu Scene.
- Redesign the Game and Menu to your liking. Same for prefabs.
- Enjoy!
Encounter a bug? Let me know!
NOTE: The packages uses Text Mesh Pro. You need to add it manually in the Package Manager.