Building Maker

Building Maker

Building Maker will help you to randomly create buildings for your city. Just give it modular building pieces and do some simple settings. Press Create Building and the Building is done.

Unity Version: 2020.3.0f1

Excluding 19% tax


Building Maker will help you to randomly create buildings for your city.

Drag the Building Maker Prefab in your Scene.

Use 3D modular building prefabs and do some simple settings.
Press Create Building and a random building will be generated.

It only creates Walls, scaled roof and street, no internal floors!

This Unity Asset is created with Editor Scriting and written in C#, so you don’t lose Prefab connections on creation.

The package contains 10 3D Models as well, so you can check all the rotation of the Objects as well as needed pivot points.
Also it contains a manual, which explains all in details if needed.


Building Maker OctoManGames

Setup Guide

Rating System

This Asset will show a Rating window after a given amount of App Launches if it sits in the Main Scene of your App.

Unity version: 4.6+

Excluding 19% tax


Currently it’s set up to send the Player to the Google Play Store.
It is possible to change the URL to make it work for Apple store or any other store as well.


The Manual is inside the Package as well

Measure Tool

Measure Tool Unity Preview2 OctoMan

Since Unity does not provide a measure tool for 3D Object’s i created one. You can watch the ~35 minutes tutorial about it or just purchase it here.

Unity 5.6+

Excluding 19% tax



★ measure 3D Object Sizes
★ measure in centimeter, meter or inch
★ Set Colors based on the Models for better visualization

How To Use

  1. Drag the Prefab in the Scene
  2. Position it next to 3D Object / Model you want to measure
  3. Drag the arrow Left/ Right or Up/Down for vertical measure
  4. Rotate the tool if needed for vertical measure or diagonals
  5. Change Show mode, Color, Scale and Rotations directly in the Tool
  6. Done.


The tool in the inspector.

Measure Tool Unity OctoMan

Measure Tool Preview3 Unity OctoMan

Measure Tool Unity Preview2 OctoMan

Live Preview

Memory Game Manager

Create your own Memory / Matching Game in minutes, with this easy to setup asset pack.

Unity Version: 5.6+

Excluding 19% tax


Create your own Memory / Matching Game in minutes, with this easy to setup asset pack.

Code is already commented out.

Requires Unity 5.6.2 or higher.

Game Goal:
Find and match all card pairs until the field is completed.Memorize the cards you have already seen to clear the playfield as fast as possible

Brief Setup:
★ Just setup your Game Scene how you want it to look using the Canvas System.
★ Create a Grid Layout Group which will hold the cards later on, and set it up to your needs
★ Use any Sprites you like as your outer and inner side of cards.
★ Create a Button Prefab to make use of.
★ Setup the Card Manager with the sprites to use, the amount of pairs you want to play and that’s it.

★ 1 CardAtlas with 15 Cards and 1 CardBack already in.
★ Timer integrated
★ Combo System integrated
★ Score System integrated




External Shops


Links to Unity, Cubebrush, CG Trader Udemy… and so on….


1.) Choose Random Sprites

1.) Create a new List under the spriteList

 private List <Sprite> hiddenSpriteList = new List<Sprite>();

2.) In FillPlayField() before ShuffleCards() put in:

 //add all sprites to the hidden sprite list
         foreach (Sprite spr in spriteList)

3.) Inside ShuffleCards() after int num = 0;

 int spr_num = 0;

4.) Inside ShuffleCards after num++

 //choosen a random sprite index
             spr_num = Random.Range(0, hiddenSpriteList.Count);

5.) Inside the for loop comment out this line like this:

 //temp.cardFront = spriteList[num - 1];

6.) After that put in:

 //choose a random sprite from the list
                 temp.cardFront = hiddenSpriteList[spr_num];
                 // remove the sprite from the hidden list when j==1 (2nd run)
                 if (j == 1)

7.) Enjoy!

Territory Maps


This is the Tutorial package of the Youtube Video Series about: “Risk” game type Map

Unity Version: 5.6+

Excluding 19% tax


This is the Tutorial package of the Youtube Video Series about: “Risk” game type Map

With the purchase of this package you will save ~174 minutes watch time.
Also the delete functionality is on a button already.
Some code is already commented out.
You get all scripts & all grafics used in the tutorial and of cause the Demo Scenes.

Unity 5.6+


pictures, videos…



External Shops

Links to Unity, Cubebrush, CG Trader Udemy… and so on….

Turn Based Battle Pack

This is the complete package of my Turn Based Battle Tutorial Series as it is at the state of Part 26 at the moment.

Unity Version: 5.3+

Excluding 19% tax


This is the complete package of my Turn Based Battle Tutorial Series as it is at the state of Part 26 at the moment.

It contain all Files, Prefabs Scenes and Scripts as i created them in the Tutorial Series.

Unity Version 5.3+


pictures, videos…



External Shops

Links to Unity, Cubebrush, CG Trader Udemy… and so on….


Simple Quest Manager

Simple Quest System OctoMan

Simple Quest Manager is an easy to setup and quick solution to create your own quests for your games in minutes.

Unity Version: 5.3+

Excluding 19% tax


Simple Quest Manager is an easy to setup and quick solution to create your own quests for your games in minutes.

★ Create your quests directly in the Inspector
★ No coding required
★ Quests can be taken and completed by differend NPC’s
★ You can create Chain Quests (unlock quests by completing others)
★ Currently only 1 Questobjective supported
★ You can save/load all Quests and their states at any point you want.
★ QuestObjectives are updated with just one line of code.

★ Rewards need to be setup on your own, depending on your systems like inventory/exp/currency

★ 1 Demo Scene

3d Models included:
★ 1 Low Poly Chara (walk and idle) 1 LowPoly NPC (wink anim)
★ 1 Low Poly Tree
★ 1 Low Poly Barn
★ 1 Low Poly Fence
★ 1 Low Poly Key



Setup Guide

pictures, videos…


Written Manual


External Shops

Links to Unity, Cubebrush, CG Trader Udemy… and so on….


This package provides the complete project package from my Playtime Timer Tutorial Video, ported to Unity 5.3

Unity Version required: 5.3+

Excluding 19% tax


This package provides the complete project package from my Playtime Timer Tutorial Video, ported to Unity Version 5.3+.

It uses the Canvas System instead of the GUI system shown in the Video, so if you want to save time, feel to purchase it for a small fee down below!


Tutorial Video without Canvas System

pictures, videos…



External Shops

Links to Unity, Cubebrush, CG Trader Udemy… and so on….